
#WasinJapan: Autumn

“ What is your favorite season in Japan? ” As we walked down to the nearest station for catching train, my senior threw a topic for both of his junior: my friend and me. It was kind of tradition at our lab to do particular things together: having lunch and dinner, going to the nearest station after university time, shopping to the nearest supermarket between university time, and… many more. I will write them down later once I get back those memories. Those moments were kinda cute since they were exactly resembling what I saw on Japanese anime.  If you watched one of them –especially school-genre-   you may notice the activity of younger kids who are requested to go to and back from school in group. Yea, that scene captured the real activity of Japanese elementary school students. And most of the time, my lab members would do the same. W e talked along the way home as we headed to the station in a group or at least in pair. At that time, we shared our ranking of favorit...

#WasinJapan: Ephemeral

I am not proud to say that I spend an excessive amount of time on Sp*tify: almost through all the hours which I spent in front of my personal computer. However, those times provide me a big chance to enjoy a wide range of music. One day, I stumbled upon this Japanese song. Unpredictably too random, actually, since I played an English playlist. Anyway, the song was legit.  I checked the title: Ephemeral . Uhoh never heard that before.  After checking the online dictionary, I fell in love with this word for the way it sounds and the meaning. Many things are ephemeral including my stay in Japan and my memories about it. I realized I did not have chance -nor put effort to do so- to write down anything about my life in Japan whereas it was so memorable; in the bright and dark picture, though.  Suddenly it was over and several epic scenes I had while I was there became vague in my memory. Here I am with more spare time, more effort, and more urge to embody those fleeting moment...

Light-up aka Luminarie 「神戸ルミナリエ」

Every year, my recent living place has a massive light-up display during the winter season to commemorate the victims of The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and their hopes. It will only last for several days, around mid-December if I am not mistaken. The name is 神戸ルミナリエ「Kobe Luminarie」 Not only that, soon after Halloween occasion passed, all public places and shops are also changing the decoration with Christmas' ambience.  Long twinkle light trails, Christmas' songs, and Santa Claus decor are almost everywhere. Everywhere feels like a light-up display. Can't resist but feels so nostalgic. Back then when I was at home, I always wait for the light-up on the Christmas tree. Every year, during the Christmas holiday, my family and I were packed to go to my Granma's home. My family is an exception because each member has their own religion, included my Granma and half of my relatives who are protestants. Since I was in junior high school, she moved back to her vil...

Japanese Word Trivia (Genki and Ittekimasu/Itterasshai)

Nowadays, I'm learning Japanese in purpose to prepare my prospective study and visit in Japan. Honestly, I've been learning that language for several random years since I was in junior high school. The difference is I did self-study back then meanwhile now I enroll in a formal class in local language course. Then, I found out a fews trivia (or maybe simply the lexically meaning) of some japanese word and I used to be wrong lol. 1. Genki ➡ fine using in a sentence like, Ikaga desu ka ? ➡ how are you Genki desu ➡ I'm fine I used to say them carelessly even when I talked to the native lol. My Sensei (teacher) said that literally Genki means fine, but tend to refer to positive emotional state of someone, rather than physical health. It means, when we are sick (like getting cold, leg injury, etc), we can't say, " Genki ja nai " ➡ I'm not fine. Otherwise, we should to say " Kenkou warui desu " or " Byouki desu "➡ I'm sick (phy...

LPDP & Diploma Fresh Graduate [LPDP Part 1]

LPDP & Diploma Fresh Graduate:    Khusus buat kamu anak FISIOTERAPI (kesehatan) se-Indonesia raya Hello Scholarship Hunters ! Alhamdulillah, sekarang bertepatan dengan H+5 pengumuman kelulusan seleksi substansi Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia yang diselenggarakan oleh LPDP . Apa itu LPDP ? Please check this official website of LPDP . Serba serbi LPDP sudah tercantum dengan amat jelas di website tersebut sehingga akan mubazir rasanya jika saya harus njelasin lagi :D Secara singkat, seleksi utama   beasiswa ini terdiri dari seleksi administrasi dan seleksi substansi. Jika lulus hingga tahap seleksi substansi, para calon awardee (peraih beasiswa LPDP) diwajibkan mengikuti Persiapan Keberangkatan (PK). Selama berjuang meraih hati LPDP dan rajin banget ngestalking akun awardee-kepo blog awardee-japriin para awardee kece buat nanya, saya menemukan sebuah fenomena yang agak menyedihkan. Ini murni opini saya  ya. Entah kepo saya yang kurang dalem atau ...

Berburu di Hutan Buku Gramedi* Jogja

Setelah mencoret Lombok dan Bali dari bucket list , minggu ini berhasil menjamah Yogyakarta dengan pergi pulang (PP) naik motor berkat bujuk rayu info di facebook. Nekat naik motor berdua sama si Yana, kita menuju ke spot yang belum kita ketahui dengan pasti letaknya di mana. Hutan Buku yang kita maksud adalah Gudang Penerbit Gramedia yang katanya lagi buka bazaar. Dari blogwalking , sepertinya bazaar serupa juga pernah terlaksana di bulan September tahun lalu. Waktu kali pertama menuju tempat ini, aku sempat ngeblusuk sampe area sawah-sawah. Kenapa? Karena ternyata waktu itu (Selasa, 13 September 2016), si Gudang tertjintah TUTUP! Jadi, nggak kelihatan tanda-tanda keberadaan gudang yang letaknya lumayan menjorok ke belakang dan plang namanya subhanallah kecil banget :’) Yak, setelah menempuh perjalanan 2 jam Solo-Jogja, aku sama Yana harus menelan pil pahit *tsahhh. Di pagar depan, tergantung kertas selembaran seukuran A4 yang di sana tertulis bahwa gudang akan buka lagi pada tangg...

15 Hari Perayaan Imlek di Pontianak: Tradisi Saling Kunjung hingga Berburu Kumis Naga

Sebelum bercerita lebih jauh, perlu diketahui bahwa Pontianak merupakan ibukota dari Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Di kota ini, perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek berlangsung sangat meriah. Hal ini tidak mengherankan mengingat satu di antara tiga etnis besar yang mendiami kota ini adalah etnis Tionghoa. Serangkaian acara dan tradisi yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai tradisional diselenggarakan tiap tahunnya. Hal ini pula yang membuat suasana perayaan Imlek di Kota Pontianak berbeda dengan perayaan Imlek di kota lain. Seluruh kota terlihat hidup dan turut larut dalam euforia perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek. Gempita perayaan Imlek biasanya berlangsung hingga 15 hari dan Cap Go Meh adalah hari puncak perayaan. Hari Imlek Pertama vs Malam Cap Go Meh (Dok. Pribadi) Pada malam hari menjelang Imlek, suasana akan terasa meriah dengan adanya pertunjukan kembang api serta kemunculan lapak-lapak yang menjajakan panganan maupun hiasan khas Imlek. Keesokan pagi, tepatnya di hari H Imlek, jalanan di Kota Pon...